Sandra Ndebele-Sibindi
Displaying FB_IMG_1469790806372.jpg The feminist historians have always cried foul that  history is actually his-story not her-story as it is projected mostly from a male perspective. Now in their revision they are claiming to be writing her-story to fit in his-story . So will it be 'People Making her-story or Her-story making people?' We wait and see as the future unfolds to unpack this dictum in arts!
As Linkundla we watch and marvel at the trends of arts, the girl child has indeed gained more confidence. The women empowerment is really sweeping all paths and coming in multifaceted waves.
As we travelled we met the gospel singer Nombeko khahleka Nyoni in Johannesburg, Berea (South Africa). She told her story with a lighting face.
" I started music in 2014 as a backing vocalist for the Followers of Light,then I went on to work with Amaqhawe Evangeli and The Number15,in 2015 I then  recorded my first album "Ukulalela", I have shared stage with the likes of New Glory, Heroes of Faith,Sisters Of Paradise,knowledge Nkiwane and  Shongwe and Khuphuka. Now I wish to share stage with Dumi Mkosta, and Sipho Makhabane and Hlengiwe Mhlaba. I am also dreaming of becoming a world renowned female producer".
In  Beit-Bridge Akhona Ndlovu has responded by a double launch of a video and a book. In an event to be graced by the Minister of State Security -Kembo Mohadi, audiences will be amazed to note that the book entitled: HOMICIDE is based on the plight of a girl child in J.Z.Moyo high school. Even the  multilingual single  "Sebenza" which is a product of her collaboration with her  brother  Gift aka 'Bhadilah' Ndlovu and  Mark Gee emphasises on people taking up initiatives to face life challenges.
Coming back to the city of Gold ,Linkundla again exposes another Eve breed by the name:Sibonokuhle Moyo. She is a talented story teller who has published one novel (Kulukhuni Ukuba Yindoda) which was sold out and is now on her way to Pretoria for a new print. In this printout comes a book, in fact a Ndebele anthology of short stories entitled "Izimvivinya Zempilo".
" its now time for us females to take the leading role in literature, I do not only write closet works but I am now producing for theatre and film. In fact we have founded a publishing house by the name Ingqungqulu Native Writers which will soon change the rules of the game in literary works as we use a multidisciplinary approach alongside our University of Zimbabwe partners".
Linkundla also recalls how the character "Sthe" shone in a Makua production 'Double Trouble' staged in Hilbrow on 23 July 2016. By the same breath we vividly recall how the extra gifted poet Gugulethu Ndlovu stamped her authority despite being flanked by the heavyweights like Zenzenzele Nkomo,Bongani Mncube,Thabo Nkomo (tshitshi Nana).
In Bulawayo  kadder featuring khoikhoi rocked the audiences at Eziko theatre today. The first kwaito laddy or 'lady from another planet' as she calls herself, once made headlines following her single 'Yes I am'.
However the Jozi audiences are still salivating for her clash with Vivian Nomakanjani-the Jozi vibrater.
In Gwanda there comes the roaring Xolile Twala! The lady who has never ceased to throw stanzas of poetry in front of ministers.
Visiting the NACZ offices via the Jahunda road we found in the Programs Officer's books the name Sazini Dube. Records reveal that she has been everywhere in Mat.South  adjudicating for Jikinya traditional dance competition meant for primary  schools .
Whilst still in Jahunda we heard a JANIC single 'love portions featuring the songbird Sharon Torque Motions.
Viewing from DStV we watched via Mzansi Magic channel 161 and saw  'Queen' via Bafoe the popular Ndebele movie. Indeed she kills it in Shilolo  films just like Bathabile during her days at Jahunda Community Arts.
Meanwhile in Harare at the jam packed session we saw Bev Sibanda vibrating in front of khuliyo and the rest is her-story.

Women are now taking the leading role in almost every avenue available, talk of Phakama Mfazi project in Bulawayo, Izintombi Zomqangala and the revived Sandy herself. Apparently across borders Berita's single "Nguwe Wedwa' is also making waves in Mzansi.
The ladies are killing it in their singles but whether this also equals their  singleness nor not is a question reserved for another day.
For those who wish to see some of them in Mzansi  come to Hilbrow theatre for Women's Day celebration on 6August (organised by Bayethe Music Promotions,call 
+27 612127950/+27 628439875)  and 2September 2016 for ZIDAFO Gospel festival (call +27 845355254) .
There you will also meet Monica Ndlovu who has  challenged men by featuring even in Isichathamiya music. 
It also reported that there is a lady currently busy working on a rhumba track, Linkundla will expose her in the next article, perhaps a female arts festival Director shall speak out in the subsequent article ,watch the space!
I conclude by wishing all women out there a happy Women's month!

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