BE CONSCIOUS THAT: The Zimbabwe National budget is a whopping 4 billion US Dollars. We heard some people on the streets saying that there is a missing USD$15 billion. We have been searching in every corner hoping to pick a dollar of it but to no avail. Life hasn’t been easy for Zimbabweans with a $4 billion budget when nearly four times that amount vanishes and the president does not even know where it vanished to. I read it in this site, http://urlmin.com/4r4jm  and one wonders if it can be fair to say that his Excellency admitted that he allowed the diamond heist as reported in http://urlmin.com/4r4jn . This made us wish to know what you could do if you picked $15 billion on the steps of your door one morning. You can share your thoughts on linkundla@gmail.com.

…. and on a more frightening note……

We hear that David Coltart published an autobiography which contains lies about Gukurahundi and the role which the current vice president played in it. We read that the biography alleges that his Excellency said dissidents were cockroaches and 5th brigade was DDT. We have heard such statements but never knew who said them, at least now the Herald has told us. On another line, we hear the verbatim quotation of the leader saying that is there in some archives of Zimpapers and they managed to quote His Excellency properly http://urlmin.com/4r4jy . Our journalist did a good job of verifying the “lies”. If you are interested you can get a full story from Newsday at http://urlmin.com/4r4jo  and a response from his Excellency on http://urlmin.com/4r4jp . We sometime in the past heard that another of our leaders called Gukurahundi “A moment of Madness”. We hope the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission will be effective on addressing the underlying issues of past disturbances in Zimbabwe.

….we are not sure whether you noticed that……

Some papers reported that Dynamos was not interested in playing Highlanders for the Bob ’92 Tourney. It’s our hope that Dynamos will again refuse to travel to Bulawayo during the season. Others say it is because Bulawayo has been hosting many games and PSL “loves” using Bulawayo for most games.  We are not sure if it’s an issue of patriotism or enmity between the new coaches of the two teams or maybe they do not want to test each other’s strengths before the league. Up to date though, Highlanders say they were not paid money                    (http://urlmin.com/4r4jq) from the Bob ’91 but were politically ready for any team on the day. We advise Bob ’92 organisers to pay teams well in time and stop using political stunts in our beautiful game.

........ our Thando Gwinji discusses Peace as she says,

 “I wish to assure you that there can never be any return to the state of armed conflict which existed   before our commitment to peace and the democratic process of election under the Lancaster House agreement” quoting Robert Mugabe 
Interesting quote if we want to go down the history lane, but let’s talk peace, reconciliation, and healing. Turning a blind eye to the several failed means of bringing forth peace and healing in Zimbabwe the human rights activists are just abuzz about the National Peace and Reconciliation Bill in a quest to realize Section 251 of the Constitution which calls for the establishment of a National Peace and Reconciliation Commission. This commission is to last for 10 years from the date on which the Constitution came into operation [i.e. the 22nd August 2013], two and a half years later the commission an unconstitutional bill that has been ridiculed countless times by watchdogs. The arguments critiquing the document are the same across all media platforms, when document is in black and white Zimbabweans can be on the same page; an example of such a page can be found here: http://urlmin.com/4r4jr  .

Without much ado about political will in the country, it has been interesting to map the actions taken by citizens and activists around the country to forge a way towards creating peace. Not so long ago in Bulawayo citizens where enthusiastic about nominating their representatives into the commission that was yet to be and they made considerable contributions to the civic society shadow bill. By then the light at the end of the tunnel was an illusion as evidenced by the performance of their representatives in the interviews that they had to go through to earn their seats. Those who witnessed the interviews can testify on the dismal performance of the qualified and passionate candidates. As such events unfolded the representatives of human rights organizations in Bulawayo took to the conference room again at Sethule  Lodge, tempers flared, the bill was unacceptable as was the unconstitutional constitution of the commission. They identified that Bulawayo and Matabeleland were the least represented regions in the commission and the appointed chair Bishop Ambrose was not qualified according to the constitution though he was a befitting candidate for the job. The content of the bill is a story for another day, it does not address the core business that people in Bulawayo are looking forward to hearing about, issues of equality and basic human rights are overlooked, not to mention that it excludes corruption as it speaks so loudly on the accumulation of assets for commissars without prior declaration of assets. You can enjoy more of her writings from http://urlmin.com/4r4js .

You can also fancy getting linked on the following links…..


Intwasa Arts Festival is an interesting platform in Zimbabwe. It is now calling for artistes of different genres and artistic discipline for the 2016 edition. You can download the form on: http://urlmin.com/form0 .


Deadline: 21 April 2016
Technovation is the world’s largest and longest-running tech competition for girls. In Technovation, teams of young women identify a problem, create an app to solve it, code the app, build a company to launch the app in the market, and pitch their plan to experts all in 3 months. The Technovation curriculum is free and no previous experience in coding is needed. In the past three years, approximately 60 young women in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe have taken part in the Technovation Challenge with one team making it to the semi-finals of the competition. This year the future looks even brighter as students, mentors and even coordinators around Bulawayo are excited about building apps for social change.
For more information contact: youthsforinnovationtrust@gmail.com  or visit: http://urlmin.com/techno   / http://urlmin.com/4r4js .  


Deadline: 30 March 2016
Taungana’s high school fellowship is initiated by the flagship STEM Expo, a one week multi-industry immersion and entrepreneurship programme. Ambassadors (rural high school girls) are supported with a mentor network and follow through outreach events in their communities. The inaugural STEM Expo held in August 2014 was a tremendous success that saw 30 high school girls from rural South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe participate in the programme.
Girls in rural areas are being advised to apply for the 2016 Taungana STEM Expo: Call/ WhatsApp +263773594544 or email youthsforinnovationtrust@gmail.com


Muzinda Hub is resuming its business, entrepreneurial and digital skills training 2016. If you missed the opportunity last year, worry not! You have another chance to be a part of this exciting Muzinda Hub team with so many opportunities created after the training. 
The link for the applications is http://urlmin.com/train0 .

….. other citizens will be boosting their consciousness at…


Habakkuk Trust in collaboration with Heal Zimbabwe Trust invites you to a public meeting to raise awareness on the NPRC bill and assess the level of the public's knowledge on the bill.
Importantly this process seeks to influence the content of the bill as it is taken through relevant parliamentary portfolio committees
DATE: Thursday 24 March 2016
VENUE: Bulawayo Club
TIME: 5pm- 7pm

…..and others will be theatrically getting boosted at….

THEATRE: ADDICTED by Raisedon Baya
Venue: Bulawayo Theatre
Date: 25-26 March 2016
Time: 6pm
For more Contact: +263 782 447 731

…..we encourage you to network with the world by following these conscious volunteer opportunities…..


ActionAid is looking for experienced development practitioners, who are committed to fight injustice together with our many partner organisations in the global South. Inspirators are cross national placements of development practitioners with significant hands on experience, who have focus on development work. We are particularly seeking candidates with experience working within accountability, campaign & lobby, tax justice and the human rights based approach. However, all candidates with relevant experience in the field of development are welcome to register. We are looking for dedicated individuals, who would like to spend 3 to 9 months working in collaboration with one of ActionAid’s many partner organisations in Africa, Asia, Central America and the Middle East. Inspirators are volunteer placements. As an Inspirator, you would have your travel and accommodation expenses covered. You would also receive a living allowance to cover your costs of living while abroad and 400€ to cover some of the expenses you might have in your home country while abroad. Please, be aware that all allowances and subsidies are subject to local tax.

Why become an Inspirator?
Inspirator placements offer an excellent opportunity to learn and share experiences across national borders and cultures with likeminded organisations. It is a chance to gain international work experience, and perhaps even more importantly, the opportunity to grow as a human being.

“This experience was one I will never forget. ... I have learned some valuable lessons from this and hopefully those people I worked with and for, not only learned something, but will repeatedly apply and harness their learnings”  - Inspirator in Uganda.

Who can become an Inspirator?
Inspirators are experienced development practitioners who are posted cross-nationally to work within a specific subject field relevant to the governance themes with which ActionAid is working.

Required qualifications for registration on the Inspirator Roster:
At least 5 years of paid or voluntary work experience
At least 3 years of paid or voluntary work experience within a specific subject area
Paid or voluntary work experience from developing countries
Voluntary work experience required
Strong sense of solidarity and volunteerism
Facilitation and motivational skills
Personal drive and motivation to become an Inspirator

How to apply….
All inspirators are selected from a database called the Inspirator roster, so the first step to become an Inspirator is to register in the Inspirator Roster. The Inspirator Roster is open to applicants from all countries. If you cannot find your nationality on the list, please simply click “other”. Interested candidates can apply online at: http://ims.actionaid.dk

Please visit our website http://urlmin.com/aai10  for more information about Inspirators, including videos showcasing examples of Inspirator work and overall requirements.


DREAMS is a partnership to reduce HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women in 10 sub-Saharan African countries. The goal of DREAMS is to help girls develop into Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe women.
Girls and young women account for 71 percent of new HIV infections among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa.The 10 DREAMS countries (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) account for nearly half of all the new HIV infections that occurred among adolescent girls and young women globally in 2014. This must change.
DREAMS is about multiple solutions surrounding one problem. With support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Girl Effect,  Johnson & Johnson, Gilead Sciences, and ViiV Healthcare, DREAMS is delivering a core package that combines evidence-based approaches that go beyond the health sector, addressing the structural drivers that directly and indirectly increase girls’ HIV risk, including poverty, gender inequality, sexual violence, and a lack of education.
Dot Youth Zimbabwe will be implementing the Economic Strengthening and GBV components of the project and we are looking for Dynamic and innovative young people who will lead the implementation of our program in the communities we will be working in.
The young Person will be expected to:
           Deliver Life skills lessons in communities in and around Bulawayo for out of school youth aged between 15 and 24 years
           Deliver SRHR, HIV/AIDS sessions to local out of school youths
           Plan for, and Record all sessions
           Provide support to the Community trainers in the planning and delivery of the Work •
           Readiness and Job Preparation and ISAL trainings for Adolescent girls
           Mobilize beneficiaries for Work readiness and Job preparation and ISAL trainings
           Establish and monitor girl empowerment clubs
           Deliver civic engagement trainings to the out of school youth
           Facilitate the meaningful involvement of all young people in the communities in the up keep and development of their communities by Coordinating and assisting in planning of civic engagement activities by the various cohorts of beneficiaries to the program 
           Facilitate the establishment of extra-curricular activities buy the young people at the resource centres
           Work with the local stakeholders in implementing the program
           Monthly Report writing, documentation and information management

Critical Requirements:
           Experience is managing groups
           Available to commit 100% of your time to the project for the next 6 months
           Interest in working with young people and community development
           Good communicative skills with probing skills to stimulate discussion
           Demonstrate good facilitation skills, experience will be an added advantage 
           Knowledge of issues affecting girls
           Passion for youth Development and in Peer education
           Individual must be results orientated, highly self-motivated and have demonstrated, analytical skills. The successful candidate will thrive in a multi-cultural environment as part of a rapidly growing and developing organization and be personally, committed to Dot Youth’s mission and values.
           A university Degree, Diploma or Studying towards one will be an added advantage
. Knowledge of basic computer skills (Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint and email)
Interested Individuals to email a detailed CV and cover letter to zimdotyouth@gmail.com  or drop them at Mzilikazi Youth Centre.

….with this high unemployment, you can try your luck like everyone…



Title: Field Officer x 3 (Dfid Cash Transfers Project)
Report To: Commodities Officer
Location: Gwanda, Lupane, Nkayi
Deadline: 24 March 2016
Purpose of the Position: To ensure implementation of the programme in the district and ensure compliance to Donor and World Vision guidelines/standards.

Major Accountabilities/Responsibilities:
Identify appropriate training needs for the district staff and stake holders.
Train district staff and stakeholders
Appraise, review and recommend field monitors performance on a regular basis.
Prepare distribution plans of all commodities and ensure their timely submission.
Prepare regular and timely program performance report.
Ensure that all commodities from the warehouse are properly handled, accounted for and reported on as per World Vision and Donor guidelines.

Knowledge and Skills:
A Degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies or any related field
At least 2 years’ experience in food aid programming, preferably in a NGO environment
Have proven organizational planning and leadership, ability to follow procedures and meet deadlines without much supervision.
Demonstrate ability in the designing and effective use of training materials.
Ability to identify gaps, trends, priorities and key issues.
Ability to speak local languages.
See more at: http://urlmin.com/wvi6  


Vacancy: Trainee Air-Traffic Control Assistants x6
Station: Harare
Closing Date: 25/03/16

5 O level Passes including Maths and English;
Possess 2 A level passes in any of the following Maths, Geography, Computers, Chemistry, Physics and Biology;
A natural Science Degree will be an added advantage
Must be 18-23 years of age

Forward application, detailed CV & copies of certificates to:
The Human Resources Director
Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe
P Bag CY7716


The City of Bulawayo is seeking a top class manager of distinction as its Town Clerk and Chief Executive. The position requires an individual with proven management skills, vision and pin-sharp administrative acumen to lead the City known for its reputation of efficiency and transparency.

The suitable candidate will hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in the social sciences notably in administration, management, or other relevant discipline and membership of a relevant professional institution. He/She will have a proven track record in the corporate management of a large organisation, preferably in the broad area of local government for at least 10 years and be able to demonstrate excellent organisational and inter-personal skills. He/she must be highly-organised, self-motivated and committed to the continuous improvement in the provision of quality services with emphasis on productivity, cost effectiveness and team work. The candidate must have a grasp of all the intricacies of local government, its inherent problems and challenges and have extensive knowledge of the relevant pieces of enabling legislation.


Proper Administration of the Council
Managing the operations and property of the Council
Supervising and controlling the activities of the employees of the Council in the course of their employment.

The City of Bulawayo offers an attractive package to the right applicant comprising a competitive salary plus a number of fringe benefits, details of which will be revealed to the short listed applicants.

If you are looking for an opportunity to prove your worth and contribute meaningfully in the development of this pleasant city, then submit your application along with your detailed Curriculum Vitae, names and addresses of three referees to the Mayor, City of Bulawayo, Municipal Buildings, P.O. Box 591, Bulawayo or email: mayor@citybyo.co.zw to reach him not later than 31st March, 2016. Envelopes to be clearly marked (VACANCY: TOWN CLERK). Advert No: 5506      M.K. MOYO.

…..in case you have some conscious staff to share…….
Twitter: @linkundla