He loved the war
Fought in the war
Won the war
But lost the battle
                                                                By The Protest Poet 2016

BE CONSCIOUS THAT in the last week there was too much happening all over the world. Thando took some time out to amass consciousness in Azerbaijan. She wrote us from there.
The 26th of April 2016 marked the official opening of the 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) at the Baku Convention Centre in Azerbaijan. The Global Forum brings together more than 2,500 participants, including Heads of State and Government, political officials, civil society representatives, religious and youth leaders, who are sharing their perspectives and solutions along the theme "Living together in inclusive societies". The world leaders are systematically addressing the rising disparities of wealth and opportunities within societies lead to marginalization and exclusion.
The opening speeches by the heads of UN and Azerbaijan addressed pertinent issues concerning world peace and overcoming challenges; the following are random points to be noted from the speeches;
  • We are losing the battle against violent extremism and Islamism, it is time to act.  
  • Corruption is a tool in the hands of the terrorists fueling conflicts, there has to be an economic strategy to fight extremism
  • The United Nations is not strong enough, it cannot build peace by sending violent troops from nations to peacekeeping missions, it needs its incapacitated force. 
  • Civilizations are mortal
  • Governments should respond to violence by extending economic empowerment to its people
  • We know that extremism and terrorism flourish when human rights are violated and aspirations for inclusion ignored. We must pay particular attention to addressing the causes of violent extremism
  • We are at a time of crisis; we need inclusive societies as soon as yesterday.

The highlight of the event according to the UN Higher Representative Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser was done before the event and this was the creation of the Narratives of tomorrow created by the 150 young leaders, aged 18-35, from all around the world. He elaborated on the role of young people in peace building initiatives emphasizing that the young people are agents of change today and that if they are told that they are the future they should just leave and come back in the future.
The Zimbabwean young delegate and Director of Youth for Innovation Trust, Miss Thando Gwinji, noted the relevance of the event in bringing together different people from different backgrounds to figure out a way forward in addressing issues of coexistence. She emphasized on the importance of the grassroots approach to the intercultural dialogue and applauded the forum for bringing forth young representatives who are capable of directly imparting the information discussed to the masses.
The outcome of this youth engagement, titled 'Narratives of Tomorrow,' has been presented to high-level representatives of the UN and governments during other sessions of the Forum. It was also published as a reference to be used by youth organizations, other civil society organizations, the UNAOC.

TIME-OUT-We took time to act busy also during trade fair which happens annually in Bulawayo in the month of April. This event is for those who are in business; however it presents opportunities for networking. Zimbabwe has an unemployment rate standing at 90%; one wonders what actually will be exhibited, produced by whom? Where?
It was a frenzy on public days as youths, especially school going ones had a chance to visit the space and set their eyes on the President of Zimbabwe, and at least get drunk like the whole nation.
Auntony, our friend photographer shared his best snaps from the fair. For real, the pictures summarize all.

His Excellency listening to a submission.
"I want to see the President"
This is real business...She hopes
The VP Mphoko watches on as science is explained.
ARE YOU AWARE that there is a WORKERS’ DAY in our Calendar? Yes, meant for those working. Zimbabwe sits at nearly 90% unemployment in Zimbabwe and those working also unhappy. We hear that the Vice President had to address an empty stadium in Harare https://goo.gl/jMisie .