“Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honourable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light, evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts!”  ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

BE CONSCIOUS: Our government doesn’t want opposition. Citizens have been suppressed using various strategies but however, as some speaker said that, “none can suppress an idea whose time has come”. There has been theatre in Zimbabwe which has been deemed to be not “correct” by the state and has been banned. It was fascinating to note that there is Theatre that can actually get you arrested, it is not only one play but many and not limited to: The Good President by Cont Mhlanga, Super Patriots and Super Morons a Roof Top Production, Final Push by Vhitori Entertainment, 1983-The years before and After which was penned by Bhekumusa Moyo- http://bit.ly/1SZsgv3 and recently $15 Billion- https://goo.gl/pJkyJd  by Vhitori.

ARE YOU AWARE: It was INDEPENDENCE DAY on the 18th of April like in the past 36 years?  We managed to savage an interview done with Msipa from his Midlands base by Taurai Shava.  He said, “I know speeches will be made, promises will be made but life is getting tougher for our people. Before independence we were giving people the hope that our country will be one full of milk and honey, meaning there would be enough to eat and people would be happy. But all that is not happening. The speeches we hear on Independence Day are just platitudes.” You can get the complete stories of In-Dependence from  http://goo.gl/Rsv6Xa .

ON A FASCINATING SPORTY NAUGHTY NOTE: Bulawayo Giants Highlanders went to play their home boys in Harare while Harare giants played their rivals in Bulawayo. The BIG catch was for the Chicken Inn Boys who withdrew the feeding spoon from their brothers Highlanders at a closely contested feature on In-Dependence Day where Itai Dzamara’s Brother had a one man standoff.
He was later manhandled by the boys in dark glasses and we hear he was given some physical counselling before he got admitted in hospital. His crime was to demand the whereabouts of his young brother who was abducted over 13 months ago. http://goo.gl/m7lDoY  . In the same stadium, a woman is said to have openly demanded her share of $15 billion which is said to be missing. She only demanded that she be given only a thousand dollar share of it. The state boys were not amused so they had to use their training and prove to their pay master that they can handle any national security threatening figure like a hungry woman.

WORDS AND GOVERNANCE: Poets have proven that they are a force to reckon with and their words may change environments. Thomas Love Peacock wrote to his friend Percy Bysshe Shelley in Italy narrating disturbances in his city. Shelley was so moved by Peacock's description of the events that he responded by penning The Masque of Anarchy, a poem that advocates both radical social action and non-violent resistance: "Shake your chains to earth like dew / Which in sleep had fallen on you- / Ye are many — they are few". Bulawayo was brought to some poetic still on the 19th of April where poets commemorated 400 years of Shakespeare’s life through poetry. Two ladies who contested had to go on for 4th Round as they were just too good on each other. Tinashe was the lucky poet while Fungai was the runner up. It is the poems which were so pregnant with meaning, angry of love or lack of it and the ever deteriorating political, economic and social environment in Zimbabwe which moved us. The more than thirteen poets were just as good as echoes of the million suppressed voices of Zimbabwean youths.
Then she lay down in the street,
Right before the horses' feet,
Expecting with a patient eye,
Murder, Fraud, and Anarchy.
Excerpt from: THE MASQUE OF ANARCHY (http://goo.gl/DC7fgM )

ZIMBABWE NEEDS A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT: National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) bill consultative meetings were going on during the past weeks. Below are some views from our team and friends.
a) The idea of a Commission is a good idea but the Bill says nothing about post conflict Justice.
b) As long as this commission is funded by government, then it’s a waste of time. Fiscus resources are not enough.
c)   Gukurahundi, Murambatsvina and the 2008 violence should be clearly stated as violations that need to be addressed by the bill.
d)  If Gukurahundi was a moment of madness then the Bill should tell us how to deal with the madness.
e) Some government official said Gukurahundi is a closed chapter, can this Bill open it?
f) We know that the current government officials have a hand in past violations, how can they investigate themselves. The bill seems like a second Gukurahundi prescription.
g) The madness in this bill is gross.
h) Devolution is what matters for the people of Matabeleland. Everything is a waste of time
i) The Minister responsible for national healing is unqualified to lead the institution. 
j) The Bill is a perpetuation of the Gukurahundi ideology. What happened to other commissions on Gukurahundi?
k) Chihambakwe and Dumbutshena reports should be classified as the basis for truth telling
l) Why provide for legal representation in a Peace and reconciliation process? The idea should not be to defend oneself but tell the truth.
m) No forgiveness for murder. Perpetrators must be brought to justice.
n) Minister should not decide how to deal with recommendations of the commission
o) The Commission should have financial autonomy
p) This important issue requires parliament to move out of towns and go to Tsholotsho and other rural areas to speak to the most affected.
q) This Bill should state clearly who wronged who and where. What wounds does it seek to heal? It should be truthful.
r) With this kind of Bill we remain where we are .This is a Ministers’ personal Commission. As villagers we will continue to suffer and cry for peace
s) There is no guarantee of safety of the victims. Nowhere in the bill is safety after giving evidence of violation
t) We are wasting time; this Bill is just another useless piece of law. It has no power to bring justice. We reject it.
u) The Ministerial appointments will not work as long as alleged violators have state power and the power of the minister hinders independence of Commission.

a) The Unity Accord is enough, no need for further reconciliation. So there isn't need for the NPRC.
b) Forgiveness is needed but should come with the truth.
c) The Commission should have more powers than giving too much power the Minister.
d) Protection of victims and witnesses must be clear in the Bill
e) The Bill must clearly outline what can be done to have your case heard by the NPRC if it is before the court
f) Reconciliation to start with the Smith regime era

a) There should be no time limit to the life of the Commission. Ten years is not enough.
b) How can my own evidence be regarded as false? Who knows my own ordeal? All the penalties are on victims.
c) Youths need closure to our past like Gukurahundi. The State is not serious about addressing Gukurahundi.
d) People should be the owners of the Bill, we want the truth on Gukurahundi.
e) We no longer trust government processes.
f) The Bill does not guarantee protection of the Victims
g) The seal of the Commission can be abused. It should be protected by an authorized signature for Accountability
h) The Bill should be clear on how compensation will be done instead of punish the victim for falsehoods.
i) The Commission needs Independence from manipulation by politicians.
j) If the Minister decides not to take donations where can government get the money. The commission needs funding.
k) The powers of the minister are too much

Recognizing May 17 as the International Day Against
Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT), the
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights is Calling on all young activists to speak up for LGBTQI rights!
Submit Your Art and Writing:
 Youth Coalition invites all young people under 30 years of age to submit original artwork (posters, info-graphics, pictures, postcards, videos, etc.) and original writing (articles, stories, poetry) on the theme of “LGBTQI Young People, Mental Health and Well Being” for the IDAHOT 2016 Watchdog publication!
Selected artistic submissions will also be featured on the YCSRR website and used during the YCSRR social media campaign during IDAHOT. While we strongly encourage participants to submit work on the theme of Mental Health and Well Being, any work on the experiences of LGBTQI young people is welcome.
Please send submissions to watchdog@youthcoalition.org  with “IDAHOT Submission” in the subject line no later than Monday, April 25, 2016.
See the full call for submissions (attached) or at http://goo.gl/xbC3a9   for further details

#ZimbabweAt36 DISCUSSION
You are invited to a discussion and tweetable on '#ZimbaweAt36-Perspectives on economic, social and political independence".
Venue: Quill Club, New Ambassador Hotel (Harare), this Thursday 21 April at 1730hrs.
Organised by: FES Alumni Association and AfricaFightNow.org.
Hashtag: #ZimbabweAt36


 The opening date for 2017 Scholarship applications is 11 March 2016.
The closing date is 2 May 2016.
All Mandela Rhodes Scholarship applicants are to apply online via the Embark application system: https//campus.embarkapply.com/mandela/2017/login new.asx/

Georgetown University’s law school has a great fellowship program for women lawyers from Africa called the Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) fellowship. It is designed for women human rights lawyers. You can find out more about the fellowship program here: https://goo.gl/oVS08P

 2016 Annual Youth Dialogue on Elections and Governance MINDS Call for Applications: 2016 Annual Youth Dialogue on Elections and Governance
Deadline: 6 May 2016
The Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) is accepting applications from all regions of Africa for its 2016 Annual Youth Dialogue on Elections and Governance to be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on the 3rd and 4th of August 2016.
The MINDS Youth Dialogue is an annual gathering of young African leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to the development of Africa, practical involvement in elections and governance and the ability to mobilize other youth towards a set goal. The Program facilitates conversations between 100 youth, drawn from across the continent and experienced African leaders with the aim of exploring the kind of Africa the youth can aspire to create for themselves.
Eligibility Criteria
Participants between the ages of 18-45 will be drawn from all regions of Africa (North, West, Central, East and Southern Africa) using set criteria.
MINDS is interested in identifying participants doing significant work in the respective countries and communities.
How to Apply
Applicants must fill the application form via given website.
Note: Successful applicants will receive further correspondence from MINDS by Friday the 3rd of June 2016.
Eligible Countries:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Republic of the, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
NAC Bulawayo is inviting you all to the HIV prevention musical gala scheduled for the 23rd April 2016 at Stanley Square at 0900 hours to 1900 hours. The artist are Clement Magwaza, Calvin Nhliziyo, Iyasa, Jays Marabini, Killer-T.

MLOM’WAKHO: Join the Two Man Poetry Slam featuring Scribe the Healer & the Protest Poet. The two poets have performed at Shoko Festival, HIFA & many other acclaimed platforms, in & outside Zimbabwe.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Admission: US$5 @ 6pm
National Gallery of Bulawayo

Deadline: ASAP
•       Accounting qualifications
•       1 year of experience

Deadline: ASAP
•       Energetic and task oriented
•       Good communication skills, written & oral
•       Able to take ownership, manage specific tasks from initial briefing to completion while also giving the account director regular updates with minimum supervision
CV & photograph to: amanager214@gmail.com

Deadline: ASAP
•       To sell computer consumables
•       Preferably ladies

Deadline: ASAP
•       Creative and talented
•       Experience in making leather goods such as handbags, accessories or shoes

Deadline: ASAP
•       Advanced First Aid certification and/or ambulance technician
•       Multilingual
•       Computer literate
•       Good communication and speaking skills’
•       Customer care management, experience in call centre

Deadline: ASAP
•       5 O’ Levels
•       Relevant qualifications and experience in Tipper, Grader, Front Loader &
Bowser mechanics

Internship Terms of Reference
U-Report uses mobile technology through SMS to provide a forum of opinion and information sharing for youth and children in Zimbabwe. Using a crowd-sourcing approach to initiate a SMS dialogue with members (‘U-Reporters’) the ultimate aim of the program is to stimulate citizen-led and youth-led development. The members are engaged via SMS polls to solicit opinions and information on development issues that are important to Zimbabwean youth and children, such as; early marriage, justice for children, children’s rights, violence against women, human rights, employment, health, education, water availability and quality. Data from the responses is analyzed and used in advocacy efforts surrounding a number of key areas in line with UNICEF programming including but not limited to improving education, improving health care and ensuring children receive the protection they need.
Rationale and context of the assignment
The communication element of the program is fundamental to the success of the U-Report and as such UNICEF Zimbabwe seeks to recruit an Intern to assist and support in the development and implementation of U-Report’s communication activities in 2016.
Internship assignment and tasks
UNICEF Zimbabwe requires an enthusiastic, hard-working, determined communications Intern to ensure that reporting on the various U-Report platforms is reliable, actionable and of a high standard and quality. Under the guidance of Chief of Communication, the Intern will assist in the following tasks:
• Develop content for the U-Report website and post updates on social media (Facebook and Twitter) and/or blog
• Provide feedback to U-Reporters on questions raised on the U-Report Platform
• Participate in the U-Report Steering Committee meetings
• Provide support during outreach meetings and events
• Communicate relevant international days to U-Reporters
• Any other tasks required to ensure the success of the U-Report programme in Zimbabwe
Entry requirements
• Studying towards a post-graduate degree in Media Studies and Communication, Journalism, Social Media,
Qualitative Research or any related technical field
• Experience working with youth organization in youth programming or youth engagement is an added advantage
• Excellent communication skills in English
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact with multidisciplinary teams.
Submission of applications
If you meet the above entry requirements and are interested to undertake this internship assignment, please email your CV and application letter to: hararevacancies@unicef.org  by 22 April 2016.