Bhekumusa Moyo is a human rights activist with over 10 years’ experience in it if ever there is anything like that. He has worked extensively on New Media Campaigns, Human Rights Based Approach, Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication, Governance and Youth Empowerment. His skills have been amassed in class and practice experience. He has worked for the National Youth Development Trust, World Vision International and Action Aid International-Pakistan.

He is ambitious on introducing new trends to human rights programming and experimenting on communication trends to mitigate or spread information that empowers and raises consciousness to the public. Along with Thando Gwinji, he is the founder of LinKundla Platform….. / /   

Thando Gwinji also known as Qhawekazi  is Peace Practitioner by profession, a misunderstood rebel, a human rights activist, a feminist, lover of humanity, and a global citizen J not in any particular order. She loves soccer, dogs, reading, writing and children. She is passionate about technology, always on social media. She has over 4 years in Activism and Research; former Mass Communication lecturer at BES College. Together with Bhekumusa Moyo, she is the founder of LinKundla Platform.

Her favourite Quote says, “Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.” - William Arthur Ward……..

Xolani Sithole is a seasoned journalist who has anchored news for Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation . He has worked extensively on marketing, advertising and sales. His passion is of a society which is informed and regularly engages in robust debate on contemporary political and social issues. As a Zimbabwean agitated by the failure of government to level field and provide equal opportunities, he stands as a human rights activist who believes Zimbabwe is for all Zimbabweans regardless of where your bread is buttered. Sithole is a researcher also and has worked with various individuals and institutions in this field. He joins Linkundla Platform in 2016, to present all Africans, Zimbabweans and global citizens with opportunities and stories that build consciousness.
Quote:  "Our thinking has created problems which cannot be solved by that same level of thinking." -Albert Einstein