BE CONSCIOUS THAT THERE ARE STILL BRAVE PEOPLE WITHIN US: We hear that a brave woman amplified our condition to the President as Zimbabweans. We pray that the boys in dark glasses do not ignore their own state and hunt her down like the rest of the “voices of the voiceless” of our nation. We heard that in about an hour into Mugabe's address, a woman in the crowd (which usually braves any weather to sing and dance for “HIS” coming) suddenly shouted in the dominant Shona language: "President, we are suffering!" It reaches our ears that Mugabe paused a few seconds - but for a moment it seemed he had been rendered speechless for eternity. The daring woman had visibly thrown Mugabe off kilter. Gathering himself, he asked the woman: "You are suffering from what?"
The woman wasted no time, responding: "We are suffering from hunger."
It was an unprecedented interjection from the Zanu-PF povo, the impoverished masses who always pitch up to welcome the veteran leader from his countless foreign jaunts. In an airport teeming with police, soldiers, intelligence operatives and youth marshals, a woman had mustered the courage to tell Mugabe an unpalatable home truth - and in his face.
Mugabe's tired eyes scanned the crowd but he did not seem to locate her. Finally, the president replied: "Put your grievances in writing, and we will look into them.". You can read more at http://goo.gl/Q1WB1T .
See…..We also must put our $15 billion demand in writing. Imagine if all the 13 million citizens, old and young all put their individual problems in writing and send them to the man who read a wrong speech…..someone will be at risk of getting a wrong reply.

IT MAY FASCINATE YOU TO KNOW THAT IF YOU CAN'T PUNCH YOUR OPPONENT YOU CAN SPIT ON THEM: Whilst ignoring the stupid twitter wars, turns out that youths are now saying #KusvikiraMatibaMabasa we will be discussing important things in WhatsApp groups. This week’s most conscious WhatsApp discussion was on the plight of young people from the Matabeleland region who migrated to South Africa in the search for greener pastures. It turns out that it is not so green after all on the other side as most have turned into thugs, murderers, con artists, and rapists. They have settled for lesser jobs which means that the education invested in them is useless. They have also acknowledged that they are lesser beings, they have lost dignity as is evidenced by their ever vulgar language. Being raped, mugged, or assaulted is not alien in shacks, its everyday life.  Troubled souls in the group revealed disgust at how SADC countries have turned a blind eye to the marginalization of Matabeleland which is the major cause of this situation. They have also expressed concern about the violation of human rights in the poorest suburbs of South Africa where these young people are resident, they mourn lost lives.

Though the amount required to acquire a passport is $50 and there is VISA exemption to move to South Africa, turns out that boarder jumpers are still there and ‘omalayitsha’ assist them to cross using sex as payment especially for female boarder jumpers. ‘Amagumaguma’ actually rape these young women crossing over without passports and it is a way of life, it is how these young men have nurtured their identities in their world. These are just but the few instances that take place and are overlooked by authorities and even the media. Without the ability to change their environment these young people end up embracing it and in the process start bragging about social ills. The environment that they live in drains the living daylight out of them, it doesn’t provide prospects of happiness and a worthwhile future, life itself loses its value and they find solace in alcohol and drug abuse.                        ~ Anonymous group.

Get in touch with LINKundla if you want your WhatsApp group’s conscious conversation to be published.

OF WARVETS AND THEIR SELFISH DEMANDS: Those who died for the country will have a meeting with his President as they vehemently refuse that they are an affiliate of the revolutionary party but claim to be the heartbeat of it and equal heirs to the throne. You may be interested like us to follow the live blog at http://goo.gl/8IlwCM.

INSPIRING CONSCIOUSNESS: "I had a very exciting engagement today with young people at the National Youth Development Trust civil society electoral dialogue series which proved to me that one of the major problems we face in Zimbabwe is lack of public discourse on fundamental national issues. That gulf can be bridged through such fora as was organised today. After today many of us found common ground on some sticky issues on Zimbabwean elections"…..DR Qhubani Moyo, ZEC Commissioner after a meeting with youth in Bulawayo.

ARE YOU AWARE OF THIS COOL PROJECT WHICH IS UNDERWAY: Bulawayo a city like no other city, the City of Kings and Queens, a fire waiting to be ignited, broken but not buried. A city waiting for her children to stand up and answer the call to restore her to God’s intended glory. The time is coming, no wait the time is now the tribe of reformers have answered the call and now we press on towards the mark. WILL YOU JOIN US? 

The journey is in motion, the mission is clear: REBUILDING BULAWAYO: 3 IDEAS AT A TIME!!! Success is the destination. We have come to understand that this occurs as a result of the repetitive and ongoing education and exposure of entrepreneurs through outlets like Pitch Night, where we are working to build a social fabric between entrepreneurs through which entrepreneurs who wouldn't have otherwise met begin to interact and build relationships.

An experience to bring your future in sight: Emerging Ideas and VBF Bulawayo have teamed up with RTG Inspirations to create an experience we like to call COLLABORATIVE BRILLIANCE in a dynamic, active and safe space that fosters the sharing of ideas, passions and practical solutions. RTG Pitch nights is the place for ideas to collide and relationships to grow. Buckle up you going to enjoy this ride.

Watch local/regional entrepreneurs face our distinguished panelists (You - the Audience) to explain why their ideas deserve the audience's time, financial attention, and how we can add value. It's an evening of networking and sharing the entrepreneurial spirit. Come and enjoy free coffee (the real McCoy at Rendezvous Cafe), snacks and networking with other entrepreneurs doing 'things that matter'.

Venue: 6th Floor Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel, Cnr Josiah Tongogara Street & 10th Avenue
Numbers are limited. RSVP required. Doors open at 5:30pm.

SOME FEMINISM STUFF: As Zimbabwe is still trying to clear space for feminism after the Zimbabwe Feminist Forum (ZFF) met last week, the country shall be hosting the African Feminist Forum (AFF) from the 9th to the 12th of April 2016. ZFF was a build up to the main AFF conference hosted by the African Women's Development Fund (AWDF), a regional women's grant making foundation based in Accra, Ghana. Decision-making on the principles, direction, and content of the regional AFFs is governed by the AFF Working Group made up of independent feminist activists from across the African region.   The 4th regional Forum is being organised by AWDF in partnership with the Zimbabwe Feminist Forum hosting committee, coordinated by the Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre Network (ZWRCN). The AFF anticipates between 150 and 200 participants to attend, all will be women/ women-identified. Participants will come from all regions of Africa, including a delegation of 30 participants from Francophone West Africa and 30 Zimbabwean feminist activists.
“In Africa, modern feminism is rather complex. It has many manifestations and expressions, and so it is not possible to refer to a single ‘African feminism’. One strand – active in the academic arena and reacting to the devaluation and misrepresentations of various African cultures and traditions by colonialists – focused on re-capturing and re-valorizing African traditions and cultures by writing about famous and powerful African women such as Nehanda of Zimbabwe, Nongqawuse of the Xhosa, and Nzinga of Angola, to mention just a few of the famous women of southern Africa.” – Rudo B. Gaidzanwa

Considering these views, following the event might raise the level of one’s consciousness.

FUNNY STUFF: On a lighter note, TechZim managed to fool quite a number of WhatsApp enthusiasts on April 1st when it reported that POTRAZ has banned whatsapp bundles. Read about it here www.techzim.co.zw People were worried.

FOR THE MUSIC CONSCIOUS:  Mzoe 7 Squares Off With Wiz Kid

While many may talk of Cal – vin and Jnr Brown as the local big stars in the Line up for the Friday Wiz kid show, One man not to write off is talented Mzoe 7 .He recently added a live band to his live shows will definately leave fans asking for more. The energetic Musician always gives value for money with his creative stage stunts. The show will be held at Old Hararians.The other acts on stage will be Jnr Brown, Cal Vin, Judgment Yard,Dj Rax. Dj Storm. Dj Tafmiles. DJ mellow T and Cynthia Mare. Mzoe 7 and Wiz Kid have a bit of similar music styles. Read about it at http://www.urbanculxure.com


NUST SOCIETY FOR LADIES is having awards for celebrating achievements by women at NUST and other universities. Use the link below to vote for the deserving winners; https://goo.gl/YH5Erw

The US Embassy Public Affairs Section, Harare, will offer a workshop onInformation Literacy and Free Online Resources Workshop for journalists - April 15th, 2016. The workshop is designed to help journalists acquire knowledge/skills for exploiting Online (Internet) Resources.
The training will be held at the Bulawayo American Corner Bulawayo Public Library (FortStreet and 8thAvenue). Time: from 0800hrs to 1.00 p.m. 
Participation in this workshop is strictly by registration. If you are interested in attending, kindly send an expression of nyonijoni@gmail.com . For this workshop, priority is reserved for journalists but YALI Network members or nonmembers are also free to register if space allows.   Please remember there are very limited spaces. 


The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Finance and Economic Development will be conducting Public Hearings on the Special Economic Zones and Public Finance Management Bills, which were both gazetted on 23 November 2015.
The Special Economic Zones Bill was established to provide for the establishment and functions of the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority. It also provides for the constitution and functions of the Special Economic Zones Board. Further, the Bill provides for the administration, control, regulatory measures and incentives for the Special Economic Zones.
The public, stakeholders, interested groups and organizations are invited to the hearings. The contributions made will be considered by the Portfolio Committee and will be part of the committee's report to be tabled in the National Assembly.

Date: Thursday 14 April 2016
Time: 0900hrs - 1200hrs
Venue: Small City Hall (Bulawayo)

National Peace and Reconciliation Commission

Public Hearings
Parliament would like to advise members of the public and interested stakeholders that the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Thematic Committee on Human Rights and the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security will hold Public Hearings on the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission Bill H.B. 13, 2015 from the 10th to the 17th of April 2016.

Submissions can also be made by email through email address clerk@parlzim.gov.zw   
The public can access soft copies of the bill on our website www.parlzim.gov.zw 
Telephone: (04) 700181-8, 252936-50 ext. 2053/2176/2130/2171
Zenda Precious / Kunzwa Absalom (Committee Clerks)
Manyemba Tanyaradzwa Linda / Catherine Mpofu Muvhami (Public Relations Officers)
Fax: (04)252935


Two of the foremost spoken words of Zimbabwe, Scribe the Healer and The Protest Poet decide to take to the stage a poetic debate on contemporary issues that bedevil Zimbabwe. The Protest Poet is known for his stinging unapologetic poetry which has takes all prisoners of political sins captive while Scribe The Healer is that poet who bases his philosophies on Pan-African-ism. The event seeks to bridge the opening gap left by thorough and radical civic engagement. Come to hear and watch as they strut stuff you can’t even imagine can be said….

Team Leader Resilience Project
Major Responsibilities
Directly manage the resilience program and provide technical support and oversight to the program team and partners, promoting innovation and adoption of best practices
Delivering results, managing cross-functional teams and effectively managing budgets.
Working in close cooperation with the M&E Unit, assess progress towards intended outputs/ outcomes, identify and address potential risks and delays.
Lead engagement with the donor.
See more at: https://goo.gl/VfIi3l  

National Director, WV Zimbabwe
The National Director (ND) for WV Zimbabwe is responsible for overall leadership of all World Vision operations in Zimbabwe in line with World Vision International operational guidelines. The position will ensure that the organisation is effectively contributing to the sustained well-being of children and fulfillment of their rights within families and communities.
Strategic Direction Setting, Operational Leadership and People Management/
Strategic Direction Setting:
Operational Leadership:
Promote World Vision Mission, Vision, Core Values and Key Standards, ensuring that these form a core foundation for all operations.
Provide leadership to all World Vision Zimbabwe Operations.
Ensure excellent standards and leadership in the management of organisational resources.
Visit projects frequently to encourage, build relationships, and support WV programs.
Ensure proper and sound governance of the National Office in liaison with the Advisory Body.
Demonstrate Christ-centered Servant Leadership amongst WV staff and diverse partners.
See more at: https://goo.gl/I9qpls    

Finance Manager Vacancy- Bulawayo
A reputable company in the tourism industry is looking for a Finance Manager to supervise the accounts department. The incumbent must have at least three years experience and relevant qualifications.
Deadline : 08 April 2016

Twitter: @linkundla