I've seen a rich man beg, 
I've seen a good man sin, 
I've seen a tough man cry.
I've seen a loser win and a sad man grin. 
I heard an honest man lie.
I've seen the good side of bad
and the down side of up and everything between.
I pray you never had to walk a mile in these shoes.
'Cos then you really might know what it's like.
36 years of suffering that outweighs my happiness.

                                                 by X.Sithole 2016

WE went on Facebook checking how Zimbabweans reacted to the ban of imports. Surely THE PEOPLE are not happy. We wish to apologise to those quoted if they didn't mean what they wrote but we found their words valuable.

"So the Zimbabwe Government has banned importation of cremora baked beans, camphor cream, maheu and mineral water amongst other basic commodities? ah! scary signs of crises times ahead. He who has an eye, let him perceive the signs of the TIME and be prepared."- Prince Khumbulani Malinga (Public Speakers Hub International)

"This stupid ban on food is a direct attack on people from Matabeleland who get their food in times of drought like these from South Africa. Legal experts can advise on challenging this Statutory 64 of 2016". Michael Mdladla Ndiweni (Human Rights Activist -Bulawayo)

"A sip from the cup of power makes them get drunk forever. They will deny that a zebra is black and white,they paint the sky with a purple colour and they will tell you a down slide of 36 years is temporary"-Xolani Sithole ( A media and promotions Cadre based in South Africa)

"Flip-flop, Flip-flop ...
Just a few days ago, the regime went into the archives and excavated an old Rhodesian law (Control of Goods Regulations) made by Ian Smith, yes, Ian Douglas Smith back in 1974. He was responding to his own set of sanctions after declaring UDI 9 years earlier.
Smith's successor, President Mugabe used it last week (36 years after independence and 42 years after it was first enacted) to enact a statutory instrument (SI 64 of 2016) with the intention of effectively banning the importation of certain goods unless one has a permit. Without prior notice, they started implementing it on Saturday, but it was met with some severe resistance by travellers and traders at Beitbridge border post.


ARE YOU CONSCIOUS THAT there was a food riot in Beitbridge border?
Zimbabwe has very low production. It has a lot of industries not functioning. Most Zimbabweans now, like in 2008 are surviving by buying from South Africa. The prices in South Africa are also reasonable. However, instead of increasing production, dealing with underlying problems and also abiding to the SADC free trade protocol, the government further put stringent rules and increased the number of banned commodities. Some say its satanic, some say its diabolic and others see it as patriotic.
A Shop in 2008.....maybe its back!!
Linkundla says, there shall be a point when a people will rise for their food and fight for their lives.
RIOT police intervened to quell riots at Beitbridge Border Post on Saturday, as shoppers and cross-border traders threatened to beat up customs officials following a blanket ban on all imported goods from South Africa.According to regulations gazetted last week, one now needs a permit to import some basic commodities.
Officials from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) ambushed the shoppers by collecting duty before demanding to see import permits, citing a Constitutional Court ruling.
The ruling followed an application by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.