This is a marriage transaction practiced by mainly the Ndebele lineage then later expanded to other cultures due to the assimilation by the then king of the Ndebele.This system was done by the groom 's family to the bride's family to show appreciation.It was paid in form of cattle,labour and even minerals.It was mainly practiced by the rich ,those who had a lot of cattle.
Marriage was seen as a sacred place where the mature and rich enter to and commit themselves.A delegate was sent to the bride's family to negotiate on the lobola. This delegate comprised of the elder brother of the groom and the uncle.This was a way of cultivating relations between the two families.According to the Ndebele origins the Ndebele was divided into a caste system with the superiority and the inferior,the higher class could not be married by the lower class . This was a law within the state.
Due to change and advancement, lobola payment has changed over years.The system has been fabricated to an extent that it has lost its roots and meaning.Long ago the bride to be was not to be seen walking with the groom to be a mediator. The sisters were to pass messages from one end to another,now all this has evolved they can walk together and actually spend time together in resort areas.
Lobola has radically vanished from existence into a totally new system nowadays where money has taken the centre stage.The parents of the two families now focuses on the money not the building of a relationship between the families.Long ago lobola was the epicenter of a great relations between families.
Gone are the days when parents from the bride's side would accept a groom from any background irregardless of who owns this or that,nowadays the whole system has radically changed it and has lost its meaning and its value.
The bride and the groom now can be seen together walking even co-habit before the lobola has been paid.Parents now charge exorbitant prices with the aim of highly benefiting form the system.Brides and grooms now attend the ceremony while all this was not practised long ago.Brides now decide of how much should be charged to the groom. Infact some brides have gone to participate in gathering of the money for the groom or some pay it on their behalf.
Women were not allowed to participate in the lobola negotiations but nowadays women sit with men and discuss the matters.Before according to the Ndebele ethics and beliefs, where lobola is believed to have originated it was a taboo for the groom to attend the negotiations and the lobola was not for the bride but for the children.
Technological advances have seen lobola tradition customs falling on deaf ears and on infertile stony land where lobola is now practised even in beer gardens ,fields and many places of no morals.Parents now charge lobola from the level of money they have used to raise the child.They calculate all the expenses and come up with a total.
A survey once made shows that most parents use a certain dipping stick and albustix to measure each girl child on how much each family member should get as lobola. This survey goes on to look at the situation of the parents if they working ,or stable economically.
Invetors have come up with a Google Application to determine the amount of money that any groom should pay for the bride.This alone goes on to reduce lobola as a system,it has lost its integrity and dignity.
Over the years we have seen the evolution of lobola as a traditional custom to a mere religion practised by every Martha and Authur without following correct protocol.
During the days of our fore fathers as told by oral tradition lobola was a sacred thing and well respected.Brides to be were to follow certain traditions before being married to grooms were to be chased away from their first day of introduction and come to the brides family.All this has become a thing of the past.Grooms now plait hair and come clad in jeans and sneakers for the negotiations.

Cars ,cellphones ,houses have become the items used for creating and building relations.Gone are the days of cattle and leather jackets,minerals and labour. Biblically Jacob worked for Leah and Rachel for a combined 14 years,this was what the ancient people could do in the name of lobola. Nowadays boys have taken lobola as an occasion to show case how rich or stylish they can be.           

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