KuLinkundla 08

KuLinkundla 08

Are you conscious that Bulawayo was declared a special economic zone last week? Does this mean that the government acknowledges that the region has been marginalized? Read about it in Brighton’s article http://youthsforinnovationtrust.blogspot.com/2016/06/bulawayo-declared-special-economic-zone.html

On a sad note…
A seven months pregnant woman was punched in the stomach by a hwindi in Kumbudzi in Harare a few days ago, she had complications in hospital and she and the child passed away. Feminists around the country are fuming as they are now pushing campaigns for safer cities for women, 2 of the 7 touts involved in the murder are in custody and the others are being sought.

You might have noticed that…
137 female inmates were released from Chikurubi female prison last week. The dire situation faced by the overload of prisons was dealt with and the state cut down on resources. However, it turns out that there were no reintegration measures put into place for these inmates. It remains the people’s mandate then to watch over their socioeconomic conditions, someone said, be careful in hiring maids.

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