Zanu PF Women' s League boss 
The breaking news by the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe Mr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai that he is suffering from a cancer of the colon is dealing Zimbabwe opposition politics a heavy blow as MDC T will soon be gearing to find an able bodied candidate for the make or break 2018 elections.

It seems the two heavyweight parties in Zimbabwe politics have a lot to deal with in their intra-party politics, a development that is very unusual as two rely on bad mouthing each other. Like Zanu PF, MDC T is panicking after building a very strong personal cult around their leader and now that Mr. Tsvangirai is not feeling well, MDC is also not feeling well.

On the far end Zanu PF is facing mortality calling on its door and their leader trying hard to cling on life, the natural cause is about to happen and everyone in Zanu PF walls is scared to death on future prospects if there is future they can think about. With wild speculation that the power wielding First Lady is said to be battling cancer of the intestine which is more or less similar to colone cancer, it leaves a lot to be pondered upon about this strange malady that has bedeviled the top Zimbabwe's political echelons.

Linkundla is boggled in the sickening trend that we surrender our political fate to natural occurrences such as death and sickness. There are a plethora of lessons from this political trade fair but it seems Zimbabweans learn nothing from them and have accepted as a culture to die serving. These lessons can be categorically stated as ;
  • The case of Joshua Nkomo who died serving as the Vice President-Cancer
  • Simon Muzenda who died serving as the Vice President- Diabetes
  • Joseph Musika who fulfilled a similar predicament-Hypertension
  • John Nkomo who couldnt be outdone by his predecessors-Cancer
  • Gibson Sibanda frailly held on till his last breath-Cancer
  • Thokozani Khuphe cannot let go of,(battling) -Cancer
  • Morgan Tsvangirai's tight grip on MDC T presidency despite poor health and time(battling) -Cancer
  • Robert Mugabe the iconic iron fisted one and only known president of Zimbabwe(battling) - ???

Should people of Zimbabwe allow the same dark cloud to be the answer? The sick leadership makes the whole nation sick economically, politically and psychologically as it presents the young hopeless population with a sick present, a recipe for a sick future.


    "a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something."
                               and THEIR WILL SHALL PREVAIL
Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko appears unperturbed after spending over a year and working to kill another in a Harare hotel. Yes its over a YEAR!!!!! You read that right.
He recently justified his extravagant-amid-poverty lifestyle, claiming the hotel was part-owned by government, and therefore his $563 a day hotel bill was not something any poverty-stricken struggling Zimbabweans were supposed to worry about.
But angry citizens, who have endured 36 years of Zanu PF’s misrule, have a plan.
The plan is to boycott buying from Choppies supermarkets in Zimbabwe, owned by Mphoko.
WE BELIEVE the PEOPLE are not totally wrong as these leaders have become parasites sucking the remaining of our strength in the suffering they have subjected us to...

#BOYCOTTCHOPPIES or alternatively people should either #BURNCHOPPIES or alternatively scream #CHOPPIESMUSTFALL
A little action may be helpful.


H.E K.Nkrumah
WE WERE FASCINATED on a crazy thought of what may be happening in heaven or the unseen world of the silent African heroes. The robust activities they did on earth may be rekindled and we went into their world to explore......
On the first world heaven, African politicians are having a successful political career. Its uncalled for to cry for our heroes as they are well and in control up there.
Upon reading the Heavenly Herald, we learnt that His Excellency The Prime Minister of Africa,Kwameh Nkrumah has decided that Africa should consider expansion into the second world which is being administered by western leaders.
He had an agreement with his cabinet where the Defense Ministers Lookout Masuku and Melezi Zanawi promised nothing but a victory over earthly world power house. In heaven there is no mercy as sloganeering doesn't work and considering that Kwameh's government has put stringent suffocating sanctions on the western block.