Sandra Ndebele-Sibindi relocates to Harare

Khuliyo and Sandra Ndebele-Sibindi : Photo by Mgcini Nyoni Photography
The dance Queen and Malaika hit-maker Sandra Ndebele -Sibindi has relocated to Harare-Mandara to join her husband who is now working in the capital city. She temporarily leaves behind her two kids with their grandmother. The two ,one in Grade Zero and the other in Grade Two will complete the matrimonial family set up after the places have been secured for them in local schools, the source revealed to Linkundla.

Her Bulawayo based fans will greatly miss her fancy theatrics footwork but however the oncoming Harare jam-session dubbed "Bulawayo meets Harare" will give her time to perform in both cities as the show comes in a form of a cultural exchange programme. This implies that the Harare based artists will also date Bulawayo next week as confirmed by the organiser Biggie Chinoperekwi.
Ndebele-Sibindi will therefore share stage with the likes of: Jeys Marabini, Albert Nyathi, Mzoe7, Constance,Guluva7,Lady.T,Khuliyo,Asaph,Kesia, Sasha,Donna N,Tendai Chimombe ,Derick Majaivana, and Lektonic. The show promoter Chinoperekwei said the main objective of the event was to expose Bulawayo talent to new audiences in Harare. The return show is set for Cecil Hotel Conference room in Bulawayo next week.

However the dance queen also leaves behind her dance group Izintombi Zomqangala who will from time to time converge on both cities. Apparently Sandy needs no introduction in Harare as she is as popular as she is in Bulawayo though others claim that Harare ultimately wins the contest .

Sandy is reportedly to have ultimately closed her Boutique shop due to low returns but plans to explore more business in Harare. However her handbags can now be bought online, said a reliable source.

In Harare Ndebele-Sibindi joins fellow artists like the Dup- poet Albert Nyathi , Mambokadzi and a lot more fellows who left Bulawayo for the capital city.

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