H.E K.Nkrumah
WE WERE FASCINATED on a crazy thought of what may be happening in heaven or the unseen world of the silent African heroes. The robust activities they did on earth may be rekindled and we went into their world to explore......
On the first world heaven, African politicians are having a successful political career. Its uncalled for to cry for our heroes as they are well and in control up there.
Upon reading the Heavenly Herald, we learnt that His Excellency The Prime Minister of Africa,Kwameh Nkrumah has decided that Africa should consider expansion into the second world which is being administered by western leaders.
He had an agreement with his cabinet where the Defense Ministers Lookout Masuku and Melezi Zanawi promised nothing but a victory over earthly world power house. In heaven there is no mercy as sloganeering doesn't work and considering that Kwameh's government has put stringent suffocating sanctions on the western block.

On another note, the Africa Heaven Government Ambassador to UN, Boutros Boutros has vowed that Africa is considering leaving the UN as other countries seem to be leaning to much on Africa for solutions. This came after the Americas President requested a fraction of the African army to fight the second World War on the side of the Americas as the Asians seem to be gaining enough ground.
This is currently the best government with able men and women who are steering Africa Heavenly Government into staying as the Global superpower industrially and militarily.
The ten year government setup is as follows:
Prime Minister- Kwameh Nkrumah
DeputyPrime Minister- Muamar Gaddaffi
State Security-Samora Machel
Defense-Lookout Masuku and Melezi Zanawi
Home Affairs- Joshua Nkomo
Foreign Affairs- Oliver Tambo
Human Rights -Nelson Mandela
Youth Minister-Thomas Sankara
Justice- Levi Mwanawasa
Transport-Fredrick Chiluba
Education-Julius Nyerere
Women Affairs-Agathe Uwingimana
Peace and Integration- Seretse Khama
Industry and Development- Michael Sata
Africa Ambassador to UN-Boutros Butros
There are other illustrious heroes who occupy influential posts also as Ambassadors and the Africa Controlled UN. On the other hand, Idi Amin couldn't be outdone after making it to heaven by force and is the problematic leader of rebels. He says his team will be complimented well by his brother from an earthly southern African country who will be instrumental in putting strong structures for rebels to take over African Heavenly government.
The opposition leader Mobutu Seseko is agitated by the introduction of a single Heaven Africa language and has vowed to continue marching and protesting against the idea. He is supported in a loose coalition by the Extremist Council Sheik Sani Abacha who is working with martyred Somali rebels to cause instability in heaven as a way of imposing their religion as the Africa Heaven religion.
We will update you of more Africa Heaven Government as they will be heaving a definitive election in 20130 and by that time, there are may cadres on earth who are expected to have joined heaven with their skills of rigging elections, violence and propaganda.

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