MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE SURPRISED THAT  diamonds that killed many people saved none.

FOR decades, Marange has been known for nothing else save for poverty until some few years ago when the greatest and most spectacular find of the century was made in that area. Expectations were high that the discovery of diamonds in Marange would revolutionize the livelihood of the residents of that arid land. The cake was just too big for Marange or Manicaland, thus it had to be shared nationally. However, Marange still remains the habitat of the poorest people in the country.

As a resident of Marange, I am in total agreement with the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Saviour Kasukuwere when he gentlemanly admitted that government let us down by letting companies that were operating in Chiadzwa loot the diamond proceeds. Indeed, the nation in general and Marange in particular did not enjoy to the fullest, the God-given endowment. Marange Community received with shock the news that the diamonds were exhausted when they had not seen anything to show for their
resource. They were still expecting dividends from the diamond proceeds realized daily by the unscrupulous mining firms. These mines refused to comply with government directive of merging because they knew they had already got their easy pickings through their mechanized panning which only exploited the alluvial diamonds. It was alluvial diamonds which they had exhausted and were not prepared to go underground. They did not  lose sleep over losing their operating licences because they had already stashed the diamonds proceeds in their offshore accounts.

There was the ministry of Mines and Mining Development that played an oversight role over the mining operations in Chiadzwa. There was Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) which was in partnership with all the mining firms on behalf of government. There were government appointees in the boards of those mining companies. Where were all these people when the diamonds were looted?

MAybe some of you benefited....kindly share with us how this worked out by emailing or leaving a comment here.

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