ARE YOU CONSCIOUS that he who kills with a sword shall die of it?
Some people think they are invinvible but time will catch up. Even those who were responsible of inhumane massacres in our land shall face the wrath of reality.

FORMER leader of the Zanu PF militant group,
Chipangano, Jim Kunaka, defected from Joice Mujuru’s
Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) allegedly to seek Zanu PF
protection as he is reportedly being investigated by the
Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, NewsDay has

Well-placed sources told NewsDay that Kunaka was
being probed for abuse of office when as a Harare City
Council employee, he allegedly used his political
influence to take over council bars and did not remit any
money to the municipality and the Zimbabwe Revenue

“Kunaka was approached by some Zanu PF youths who
advised him to rejoin the party and get protection,” a
Zanu PF member privy to the development revealed.
Contacted for comment yesterday, Kunaka said he was
not aware that he was under investigation.
“If I am under investigation, that will not stop me from
joining a party which has direction,” Kunaka said.
The former Harare provincial Zanu PF youth leader
announced last week that he had rejoined Zanu PF
claiming Mujuru’s party lacked focus.

This prompted ZimPF spokesperson Jealousy Mawarire
to immediately claim that the party would “not lose
sleep over a rehabilitation escapee who has been abused
by Zanu PF for years to perpetrate violence”.
But Kunaka yesterday hit back at Mawarire, accusing the
ZimPF spokesperson of being envious of him in
exercising his democratic right to choose which political
party to belong to. He said he joined Mujuru long before
Mawarire supported her and there was nothing he could
lecture him that he did not know.

“Then again, let us assume that I went through this
alleged rehabilitation, wouldn’t I be entitled to some
confidentiality privileges? Mr Mawarire clearly exposes
his ZimPF as a party that does not respect people’s
rights as any form of rehabilitation is bound under the
doctor-patient privilege that prohibits the distribution of
patients’ information on a public domain,” Kunaka said.
He said Mawarire’s statement was self-defeating when he
said ZimPF rehabilitated the youth when, in fact, the
elders of the party had not gone through the same
“That is all in the past now for me, I would want to make
it clear to the people of Zimbabwe that I didn’t go under
any form of rehabilitation under Zimbabwe People First .
. . If it’s their way of trying to lure donor funds, I think
they should try other methods or at least leave
rehabilitation to health institutions and other like-
minded organisations,” Kunaka said.

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