Shadow of Terror....
50 souls lost and over 53 injured when a man who claims to love his religion opened fire on humans boogieing at their chosen joint.

With many victims of the carnage yet to be identified, and police still probing the suspected Islamist ties of the slain gunman, Trump wasted no time in harnessing the assault to his political advantage.

The presumptive Republican nominee unleashed a broadside accusing President Barack Obama and his would-be Democratic successor Clinton of failing to tackle what Trump calls "radical Islam."

"Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen -- and it is only going to get worse," he said in a statement. "I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can't afford to be politically correct anymore."

After extremists slaughtered 130 people in Paris last November and a Muslim husband-and-wife team murdered 14 in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

The move prompted an uproar, but he doubled down, presenting himself as prepared to do more to crack down on extremism than his political rivals.

After San Bernardino, "It became a permanent part of the Trump dialogue," said Quinnipiac's Malloy.

In March, following a deadly attack in Brussels, Trump said his insistence on defeating extremism was "probably why I'm number one in the polls."

Opinion polls late last year showed a majority of Republicans supporting Trump's call for a Muslim travel ban.

Trump and Clinton are promoting radically different approaches to fighting terror, and have traded accusations that the other is not fit to run the country.

Trump has repeatedly called for a halt to refugee flows from the Middle East, and assailed Clinton for wanting to expand them.

He says he is prepared to re-authorize torture methods such as waterboarding in terrorism cases and advocates targeting the families of terror suspects.

Trump also repeatedly argues that attacks like the one in Paris would have seen far fewer casualties if people had been armed to defend themselves.

According to Quinnipiac, voters see Clinton as far more prepared than Trump to handle an international crisis -- but they see Trump as better able to tackle the IS threat.

"Trump has offered no real plans to keep our nation safe and no outreach to the Americans targeted, just insults and attacks," CBS News quoted Palmieri as saying."

More at http://tinyurl.com/zfvohrv

YOU MAY WISH TO BE CONSCIOUS THAT ROBERT MUGABE SUGGEST (A)ICC FOR W(E)(OR)ST LEADERS :Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, who recently completed a one-year term as the chairman of the African Union, has called for the establishment of an African International Criminal Court that will try Europeans who commit serious crimes against humanity.

A Zimbabwean newspaper, The Chronicle, quoted President Mugabe as saying that it was time Africa establi
shed its own ICC to help seek justice for serious war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the West, especially during the colonial times.

“They committed crimes, colonial crimes galore – the slaughter of our people and all that imprisonment. I have a case. Why was I imprisoned for 11 years? We forgave them, but perhaps we have not done ourselves justice. You set up the ICC; we set our ICC to try Europeans, to try Mr. George Bush and Mr. Tony Blair,” Mugabe said.

This comes amidst questions about fairness at the International Criminal Court (ICC) based in The Hague, Netherlands, over what some African leaders say is discrimination against African countries.

The International Criminal Court  
The International Criminal Court was established under the Rome Statute and is the first permanent, treaty-based international court. It was established in July 1998 with the aim of fighting impunity by prosecuting perpetrators of serious crimes that are of concern to the international community.

The court, whose headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, is completely independent and although it is funded by member states, it largely survives on voluntary contributions from governments, individuals, corporations and international organizations. ICC is composed of four main organs, which include the Presidency, judicial divisions, office of the prosecutor and the registry.

Situations and Cases
Since its establishment, the International Criminal Court has handled 23 cases in 10 situations, nine of which are from Africa. Currently, the court is handling several cases involving Africans from Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Central African Republic.

Since 2010, six Kenyans including the incumbent Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto have been facing charges of crimes against humanity that were committed in 2007/2008 following a disputed presidential election. All six cases came to a close on April 5 of this year after the deputy president William Ruto and his co-accused Joshua Sang were acquitted.

Many African leaders have accused the ICC of subjectivity in prosecuting serious crimes, arguing that the court only seems to focus its attention to African states questioned turning a blind eye to the West and other developed countries.

ZIMBABWE SCENARIO: The 1980's genocide on mostly Matabeleland and Midlands citizens need attention at international level but however, the AU Chair called it a "Moment of Madness".

WE ARE SHOCKED  that His Excellency has hinted on who and how he will be succeeded. This removes all doubt that he will face his ancestors still on the throne. Maybe.....maybe soon he will leave the mighty seat and someone will take over. He however said its not his wife. So the race is still open, http://tinyurl.com/jkvkrkq . Let us say "GRACE".

ITS SOMETHING THAT RUNS in the veins of African politicians.

We still read that Bakili Muluzi Faces Corruption charges...and the case goes on...

The former ruling People’s Party (PP) has expressed concern over the delay to conclude former president Bakili Muluzi’s corruption case.

Bakili Muluzi : His case still stalls in court.
Speaking to this publication, PP’s publicist, Ken Msonda, said it is very worrisome that it is now almost nine years since the case started and there seems to be no sign that it will be concluded soon.
Msonda said the most worrisome thing is that the Malawi government is still spending more money on the case.

“Funds that could have been put at a better use for buying drugs in public hospitals, buy the much needed maize, pay teachers’ salaries or even employ doctors and nurses, is being wasted and the government is failing to offer jobs on pretence that there are no funds,” worried Msonda.
Msonda: Says PP is worried with stalling of the case.
He further attacked the judicial system of the country saying it is also being affected. He said instead of the judicial system concentrating on other cases, it has taken nine years dealing with one case which is shameful.

The publicist also suggested that the case is affecting the health of the former president.
“Naturally when one is going through a court case you have no peace of mind and psychologically affected. We are appealing to the ACB and other government institutions dealing with the case to conclude it as soon as possible,” added Msonda.

Msonda then listed other cases which he said the government is failing to conclude. The cases included the Cassim Chilumpha and Yusuf Matumula’s treason case, Friday Jumbe and Philip Bwanali’s corruption case, the murder of James Makhumula, the murder of Issa Njaunju and over 60 cashgate cases.

IN TECHNOLOGY http://tinyurl.com/jps5anl

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