ARE YOU CONSCIOUS THAT: The Tsholotsho- born and South African based Maskandi musician Mxolisi Khulekani Nkomo aka Zinjaziyamluma was on Saturday honoured with Mqabuko leadership award for his efforts in raising Zimbabwean flag within the Southern region Maskandi genre.

The leadership awards are given to those individuals who have shown commitment in terms of raising the flag outside Zimbabwean borders and have excelled in whatever field they are in. Tagged with Zinjaziyamluma was Mxolisi Ncube’s name who was also recognised in his field of journalism for making headlines across Africa and for bringing home more than 10 awards from different countries.

The event which was dubbed the 4TH annual Mqabuko celebrations was held on 30 July at Hillbrow Theatre and was attended by more than 500 Zimbabweans. Amongst them were the Nkomo family representatives, businessmen, political leaders and church leaders.

The event is meant to celebrate the life , heroic prowess , political diplomacy and humanity displayed by the late Dr. Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo during the liberation struggle and post-independence era. The celebrations are thus expressed through arts. It is an annual function hosted by Matabeleland Entertainment News in Johannesburg and has free entrance policy.

In his acceptance speech Zinjaziyamluma said “I am humbled to be finally recognised like this, surely I am pleased to realise that I have made great impact in the Zimbabwean community in diaspora.”

Infact Zinjaziyamluma could not finish his speech as intended due to his fans who stood up on their feet and started singing his praises nonstop till the MCs calmed them after a long struggle. It was joy after joy for them. The people’s platform Linkundla then made a follow up interview to tap more from the musician.

L: First of all we would like to congratulate you
Zinja: Thank you sir, I am actually humbled.

LWhat can you say to fellow artist?
Zinja: I am saying this race is long, and winners change every time , today it can be me but tomorrow its them . So as artists we must support each other instead of denouncing others and treating them as opponents.

L: What advise can you give to upcoming artists?
Zinja: I say they must be very patient because this music career is rough. They must not expect immediate positive results.

L: Word to the fans?
Zinja: I would like to thank them all, from my relatives, to Ezemagic family and all who have supported me. I am also inviting them to come and witness a thrilling performance next week on 6 August at Women’s day festival at Hillbrow.

L: Your major projects completed so far?
Zinja: I have penned five albums and two DVDs since 2013. However my music career did not start in 2013, previously I had been a member of Isicathamiya group called Izinkanyezi Zezulu which is also an offshoot of a Bulawayo based-Godlwayo group-Impumelelo Shining Stars .

The whole family of Zinjaziyamluma music crew (Ezemagic) expressed its happiness, and Linkundla caught up with the popular Madabudabu (Zinjaziyamluma’s artistic manager Mlungisi Tshabalala) who was in tears of joy.

L: Your word sir about the award?
Zinja: I am personally out of words to express my inner feelings about this recognition as a manager. I would like to thank M.E.N for such an event, I thank the Zimbabwean community in South Africa for encouraging us, I thank our fans ,families andsupporters who have kept us going even when the future looked bleak.

L: What’s your main strategy?
Zinja: As our policy we have ensured that in very album there is a track that touches on our Ndebele cultural pride, this we do as a way of passing the knowledge to our future generations.

L: How did you feel when your artists was called on stage?
Zinja:I almost got stuck on stage when the presentation was made, I saw how the fully packed Hillbrow theatre voluntarily went for a moment of silence as his biography was being read as if it was a bio of a dead comrade . Soon after that I saw everyone jumping all over the chairs in jubilation which is a living testimony that Zinjaziyamluma is a man of the people.

L: Can you say you are now leading the race in Maskandi music?
Zinja: We are not saying we are the best but as the organisers also elaborated that we are being rewarded for our hard work. Hence this award regardless of its monetary connotations will stay as a precious asset to us and I am very proud to be Zinjaziyamluma manger.

L: You concluding words sir?
Zinja: I would like to say thank you Linkundla, thank you my family which allowed me to push this music, thank you everyone, thank you all media channels who are playing our music, thank you supporters who are buying original CDs and thank you readers and fellow artists, thank you all.

L: Ok sir, thank you for attending to our short interview, we are hoping to see you soon .
Zinja: Thank you , thank you, thank you.
As we close the chapter with the ecstatic “Mr thank you-Madabudabu”, we note how it feels to be honoured or recognised in whatever trade you are in. We therefore encourage artist to seek the creation of their names first before seeking money, it is that big name that will attract big cheques in future, but small names will always sing about big cheques.
It is said that events are created by men but heroes are crafted by struggles. For those who know Zinjaziyamluma and those who understand his genre will acknowledge that Maskandi is one of the challenging music especially when it comes to live bands as compared to other genre like Rhumba. However Zinjaziyamluma promises to kill it !

Linkundla also concludes by saying thank all, thank you readers, thank you artists, thank you, thank you, thank you!

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